44 2033180199

Research on the effectiveness of medicinal plants against COVID-19

Antonia Pennitz, Michael Wang

In the past, a variety of plants have been utilized to treat various illnesses, notably viral ones (bronchitis, influenza virus and dengue virus). This review mapped the 10 most researched plants throughout the pandemic and assessed their therapeutic potential against Covid-19. In this study, the standardized protocol for systematic reviews (PRISMA-P) was created. All research on medicinal plants and their ability to fend off Covid-19 infection was taken into account. Information was sought using the search terms "traditional medicine and Covid-19" and "medicinal plants and Covid-19" which appeared in the title, abstract, and keywords. There were just papers (original and reviews) published between October 2020 and 2020. The exclusions included brief messages, letters to the editor, novels, and book chapters.

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